The “traditional values” of Western Civilization are very good as a moral code. They are based on the Ten Commandments, #5 through #10.
However, the basis of the Ten Commandments, the theoretical reason why one should pay attention and follow these rules, is that “God said so!”. Christianity, along with its precursor Judaism, has a lot of theory about life and the universe that many people find not believable. If Christianity is not the truth about life and the universe, then why should a person pay attention to the Ten Commandments? There is no reason to obey the “commandments” of an imaginary God.
The advance of science and technology and industry in the last five hundred years has greatly reduced the credibility of Christianity as a philosophical and religious belief system. The power of Christianity has decreased enormously. Many people have become materialists, believing that only matter is real – there is no God, no gods, no spiritual beings, no soul. Materialism offers no theoretical basis for any moral code at all.
So the power of the Old Moral Code, the power of “traditional values”, has greatly decreased.
In addition, the Great Conspiracy of the Super Rich is seeking to rule the entire world. They have created, established, and financed Communism to destroy religion and morality, and to corrupt and degrade the population of the world so they will be easy to control and easy to enslave. This evil campaign has been enormously successful.
The Old Morality has been attacked and largely destroyed. But not only that, it has been replaced by a New Morality. This New Morality is an Inverted Morality. A Christian might call it a “Diabolical Morality” or a “Satanic Morality”.
The New Morality reverses each point in the Old Morality.
The Old Morality says: Don’t kill people. Don’t steal. Take care of yourself.
The New Morality says: Kill rich people, anyone who owns anything. Steal from rich people. The government owes you a living.
Sexual morality is also not just canceled, but reversed. Old Morality: Be faithful to your spouse and your family. New Morality: Unlimited promiscuity is not only acceptable but actually admirable. This New Morality destroys the family. It destroys the strongest social bond which both men and women have with other people. It destroys the greatest source of love and happiness in the lives of most people.
Instead of valuing honesty and intellectual integrity, the New Hate-Crime Morality is dedicated to Thought Control. Anyone who thinks thoughts which do not have government approval is insane, is a terrorist, is guilty of hate crime, and should have his life destroyed. Free Speech is rapidly becoming illegal. This gives protected status to homosexuals and to Muslims. It serves to destroy the remains of Christianity.
The New Hate-Crime Morality outlaws independent thought. It outlaws any disagreement with “facts” decreed by the government.
All of this is a global phenomenon. The entire world is sinking rapidly into this Hell of insanity and slavery.
The Greeks and the Romans and the Christians all agree that there is a “natural moral law”. In other words, man, by the use of his observation and reason, can discover, at least to some degree, what actions are “Right” and what actions are “Wrong”.
Saint Paul says in Romans Chapter 2: “When the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these, having not the law, are a law unto themselves: Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness”.
In other words, according to Christianity, even without the Ten Commandments, the “law”, meaning the correct moral code, is “written in the hearts” of men.
In Romans Chapter 13, Saint Paul says, “Owe no man any thing [Don’t go into debt.], but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. . . . Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.”.
You don’t have to be a Christian to think this is a very fine and simple moral code. Application of this simple moral code by individuals and nations worldwide would create a Golden Age.
Instead this Old Moral Code has largely been replaced by the New Moral Code which advocates killing, stealing, destruction, revenge, envy, hatred, and promiscuity. Accordingly, civilization is collapsing.
There is no surprise here.
Man is primarily a spiritual being. He is a composite being. He is a spiritual being. He has a body. The spiritual being is the driver. The body is the vehicle. It is the spiritual being which has free will and the power of choice.
You don’t have to be a Christian to believe that man is a spiritual being.
Many people become materialists because they don’t like Christianity. That’s not very smart. It has not occurred to them that there can be a philosophy other than Christianity in which man is a spiritual being.
The materialist is impressed with physics. OK. That’s fair. But physics does not explain consciousness or free will or imagination. When you observe your own consciousness, what are you looking at? When you choose to turn left rather than right, who made the choice? When you imagine a cat, who is looking at the cat?
The important things in life, the things that people care about, are spiritual things – desire, love, happiness, ambition, success, revenge, and so forth. None of these have to do with atoms and molecules and the laws of physics. All are spiritual.
The physical universe is the playing field where we play our games of love, ambition, revenge, and conquest.
When man denies his own nature, how can he be expected to achieve happiness, individually or as a society?
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said, “If I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”. In other words, when men deny their own spiritual nature, things go badly.
It is observable that those who seek to do good with intensity, passion, and drive are those who know that they are spiritual beings.
Those who believe that they are only material bodies tend toward revenge, destruction, hate, and conquest – toward money, sex, and power, without restraint, and over the dead bodies and ruined lives of others.
When people orient their lives around love, kindness, caring, service, helpfulness, and goodwill, then life becomes sweet, both individually and for society. When people think carefully and examine the evidence, then it is hard to lie to them or to deceive them. When people work hard, take care of themselves, and take care of those they love, then they have no need or desire to steal from others, and they are proud of themselves. Peace and coexistence are natural and easy.
When people orient their lives around hate, vengeance, selfishness, and cruelty, then life becomes bitter and harsh, both individually and for society. When people are indifferent to truth, when they believe everything they are told without checking up on anything or anybody, then they are easy to lie to, to deceive, to cheat, and to lead into all manner of stupid and destructive enterprises. When people are lazy, when they want to be supported, when they think the government owes them a living, then they steal and cheat whenever possible, they lose their self-respect, and they become the slaves of the government. Their lives are filled with conflict and war is inevitable.
This is a spiritual battle. For a century and more, Communism and the Conspiracy have filled the world with the propaganda of hate and vengeance. They have reversed the proven principles of how to live a happy life. They have promoted war and conflict everywhere.
A spiritual dark night is descending upon the world.
Truth is very important.
The Rights to Liberty, Life, Property, and Contract are very important.
And that’s really all you need to create a free, peaceful, and prosperous civilization.
It’s not complicated.
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