The program of the Investigation Party can be summed up in one word – INVESTIGATION.
That’s very good. It's probably the best single word. That’s why it’s called “The Investigation Party”.
However, for someone who has discovered that he loves Liberty, who is keen to defend and fight for Liberty, and who is looking for something effective which he can do to fight back against the tide of evil which is engulfing the world – that’s really not enough.
We want such people working for us. We want to persuade them that working for us is the best solution if they want to do something effective in the struggle for Liberty. At least three things need to be mentioned.
The purpose of TEACHING is to spread the word and to make very large numbers of people aware of the real situation. If only very small numbers of people know what’s really going on, then the Powers That Be will just squash and flatten any and all opposition like a steamroller. Dissenters who have a problem with the police state will be rounded up and labeled “insane” and “terrorist”. They will disappear into the American Gulag. When Russia attacks, the ignorant and fearful population will go along with the plan of giving up American independence in favor of a global military government. The purpose of TEACHING is to rouse as many individuals as possible (1) into knowledge and understanding of what’s really going on and (2) into courage in the face of the terror which is really coming from our own government.
The purpose of INVESTIGATING is to put the bad guys out of business. This includes PUBLICITY and PROSECUTION. Hopefully, in many cases, some PUBLICITY will drive the bad guys out of office and out of business. In other cases, PROSECUTION will be necessary. This will involve getting lots of evidence. And it will involve getting the evidence in front of a court that is not controlled by the enemy.
This includes NOT GETTING KILLED by the people we are investigating – or more precisely by their hired goons. The people who need investigating are commonly very rich and very powerful, and have hit men on their staff routinely. Or alternatively, they are protected by more important bad guys who have hit men on their staff. When an investigator gets killed, this is a valuable clue that whatever he was investigating really deserves to be investigated. Who is brave enough to continue this investigation?
This includes NOT GETTING PROSECUTED ourselves. Either criminal prosecution or civil prosecution. One of the ways in which good guys get taken out is by legal action by bad guys, either criminal or civil. The planting of evidence by the police has become routine. Civil prosecution can create endless legal fees, and use up all the time and money of the defendant, even if there is never any judgment against him. The IRS has a long and vicious record persecuting and ruining and sometimes jailing people they don’t like.
This includes NOT GETTING OUR OWN ORGANIZATION TAKEN OVER. The enemy sets up their own opposition routinely and as a matter of course. This is not even faintly unusual. This is daily routine, like inhaling and exhaling, for these people. Sometimes an organization arises which opposes them. Then they do their best to subvert it and to take it over secretly. If and when the bad guys succeed in secretly gaining control, the corrupted organization appears to fight the bad guys, but when it is important, they lose, on purpose. Good people who support the organization have no idea that this has happened. They believe that the organization is still honestly fighting the bad guys. This is an important example of the basic principle that evil men work hard to look like they are good men.
One of the biggest examples of this is the Republican Party. They say lots of good things. Lots of good people support Republicans. But at the top, the Republican Party is controlled by the enemy. Their basic mission is to fight and lose.
Probably the biggest example of this is the American government itself. Hundreds of millions of Americans still believe that the American government is still fighting for Liberty in the world. They are sincerely patriotic. They believe that military service is a gallant and heroic service that deserves high praise. Oh my God!!! How gullible can they be!!! This is a great tragedy, that so many are so badly deceived.
The purpose of GETTING ELECTED is to actually take over the government, so that the government and all the levers of power are controlled by liberty-loving good men, and not by evil men bent on world conquest.
This includes getting friends and allies elected. No one has to agree with us on all points in order to be a genuine, honest, and real Lover of Liberty. There are a great many very good men out there who sincerely love Liberty and who are doing their best to defend and promote it. In many cases, they very much deserve to be elected. Possibly we can educate them further and organize them further, and make them even more effective in the defense and promotion of Liberty.
In any situation, there are always three steps: TRUTH. GOODNESS. PRODUCTION.
#1. TRUTH. What is the real situation? What is really going on? Who is really doing what to whom? Who is trying to deceive whom and how? It is necessary to brush aside and to penetrate all the illusions and the lies and the deceptions.
#2. GOODNESS. What is good in this situation? What is the right thing to do? What needs to be done? What will make things better? There is no way to know this, if you don’t have the TRUTH first. Without the TRUTH, you will be operating on the basis of lies and illusions. Whoever has deceived you will be successful in causing you to destroy yourself.
#3. PRODUCTION. This is doing it. This is action. This is where you make real what is good. First is to discover what is true. Second is to determine what is good. Third is to produce it, to make it so, to create what you have decided should be.
Wisdom is great. Understanding is marvelous. But we are not pacifists. We are not looking for some divine superconscious nirvana which is indifferent to the state of the world. We are not content to be wise but idle while the civilization of the world is collapsing into a Global Slave State of universal war, misery, and suffering.
It is not enough to know what is going on. It needs to be corrected.
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