In the Communist Manifesto, Marx says, “Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality.”.
He says, “The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.”.
“You reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so; that is just what we intend.”.
It is hard to imagine a more blunt and unmistakable denunciation of Christianity, morality, the rule “Thou shalt not kill.”, and the rule “Thou shalt not steal.”. In proclaiming the right to kill and the right to steal, he denounces the Right to Life and the Right to Property.
He says, “The abolition of bourgeois individuality, bourgeois independence, and bourgeois freedom is undoubtedly aimed at. By freedom is meant . . . free trade, free selling and buying.”. Here he denounces the Right to Liberty.
He says, “Let the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Proletarians of all countries, unite!”. Here he is proclaiming not only the right to enslave and kill and steal, but the positive duty to do so.
This is the New Morality. Kill! Steal! Destroy! Enslave! This is your right! This is your duty! This is the Royal Road to the Utopia where everyone will be happy and prosperous!
People need some kind of moral code, something they can believe in. They need a distinction between Right and Wrong. This is a spiritual need. Atoms and molecules do not need to distinguish between Right and Wrong, between Good and Evil. There is nothing in the equations of General Relativity or Quantum Mechanics about Right and Wrong, or about Good and Evil. But the spiritual being – which is to say every one of us, because we are all spiritual beings – needs to do Good. To Help. To Serve. To have something which gives his life Meaning and Purpose. He needs a Goal. He needs something Glorious to struggle for. He needs an Ideal.
When the Muslim is bombing a busload of children, he is doing it for the Glory of Allah. He is doing it to bring the True Faith to the entire world, as he has been commanded to do by Allah. He is following the Glorious Example of Muhammad.
The Russian General, when he is planning nuclear war, is working to bring the Communist Utopia to the world. Or alternatively, and more likely, he is working to restore Mother Russia to its rightful place of dominance in the world.
The Chinese General, when he is planning war with America, is undoubtedly working to restore China to its rightful position of dominance in Asia and in the world.
The Feminist operates on the principle that Men are Evil. In fighting Men, she is working to correct and balance thousands of years of oppression of Women by Men.
It does not have to make a lot of sense. But there has to be some kind of reasoning, some kind of rationale, that motivates and justifies what is being done.
Very commonly, revenge is a strong element in this rationale. The idea of the need for revenge is very easy to sell to people. It is especially easy to sell to people who are inclined to murder and steal in the first place. It gives them an excuse.
Revenge is a very strong element in Communism. Those rich people are rich because they have exploited the poor people. So the poor people should take their revenge by killing the rich people and stealing their property.
Marx says, “The Communists everywhere support every revolutionary movement against the existing social and political order of things.”. In other words, wherever there is a conflict, the Communists try to build it up and make a revolution out of it. So if anyone anywhere says, “They have done me wrong!”, the Communist will say, “Yes, they certainly have done you wrong! And you need to take your revenge by fighting back and taking what is rightfully yours! You need to recruit others to help in this Glorious and Righteous Cause! We will help by providing you with money and weapons!”.
Christianity is a great barrier to Communism and to the Conspiracy.
The “traditional values” of Western Civilization are also a great barrier to Communism and to the Conspiracy – quite apart from Christianity. These “traditional values” can also be called the “Old Morality”. They are essentially the Ten Commandments, #5 through #10.
In order for Communism and the Conspiracy to destroy Western Civilization, it is necessary to destroy the Old Morality.
In order to destroy the Old Morality, it is necessary to create a New Morality. The New Morality will make it possible for everyone to have a Glorious Crusade so they can be happy that they are Righteous and that their life has Meaning.
The New Morality must at least be irrelevant to the Old Morality. Ideally, the New Morality will be in contradiction to the Old Morality. Then the New Morality will destroy the Old Morality and will stamp out what remains of Christianity.
The government is God. The government should own and control everything. The government is infinitely wealthy. The government should support everyone.
The rule for Communists is: People with money are evil. This justifies revolution and Socialism and total control of everything by the government.
The new sexual morality is that there is nothing wrong with unlimited promiscuity. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality. There is nothing wrong with abortion. In sexual matters, everyone has unlimited license.
The rule for feminists is: Men are evil. In any dispute between a man and a woman, the woman is right and the man is wrong and should be prosecuted.
The rule for homosexuals is: Anyone who finds homosexuality offensive or distasteful is evil. Notably including many Christians, especially Bible believing Christians. If a homosexual is “offended”, this is recognized and given enormous importance. If a Christian is “offended”, this is ignored and is not recognized in any way.
If anyone says anything negative about a homosexual or about homosexuality, that is evil, “intolerant”, “bigoted”, and “discriminatory”. It is a hate crime and should be prosecuted.
If anyone says anything negative about a Muslim or about Islam, that is evil, “intolerant”, “bigoted”, and “discriminatory”. It is a hate crime and should be prosecuted.
Dislike for illegal immigration by Mexicans into America is evil, “intolerant”, and “bigoted”.
All cultures and civilizations are equally good. “Diversity” is extremely desirable. Anyone who does not like “diversity” is evil, “intolerant”, “bigoted”, and “discriminatory”.
All moral codes are equally good, and any moral code which says otherwise is evil.
Smoking is evil.
Using paper unnecessarily is evil.
Failing to sort your trash properly is evil.
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