A video playlist is on YouTube at: This is a speech by Nyquist edited down to 30 minutes. A longer version, totaling 113 minutes, is at:
Near the beginning of this speech, Nyquist says, “I believe that America, because of the unwariness in this country, is going to be attacked and overwhelmed at the outset of this war. I don’t believe we’re going to lose it, because I believe that Russia is a very weak country. China is a very weak country, despite their numbers. And that’s why they use deception.”.
So although Nyquist predicts World War III, he does not think “they” will win. He thinks “we” will win.
If Nyquist is correct in his assessment of the weakness of Russia and China, despite all their nuclear weapons and all their scheming and plotting, then it is more understandable that the Great Conspiracy of the Super Rich is trying to get World War III started. Of course, even if “we” win World War III, it’s still going to be extremely unpleasant. But it certainly sounds like good news, to get this optimistic prediction that “we” will win, after all the death and destruction of World War III.
But we need to keep constantly in mind that the whole purpose of creating World War III is to persuade Americans to give up their Liberty and their U.S. Constitution in exchange for false promises of security from some global organization which is controlled by the Conspiracy. If “we” win, who is “we”? Will victory go to Traditional America, “the land of the free and the home of the brave”? Or will victory go to the Great Conspiracy of the Super Rich? Will they finally achieve their Global Slave State, in the image of George Orwell’s “1984”?
The Conspiracy, operating through the government, has many secrets and many “Black Budget Operations”. One might speculate that they have secret weapons which they will NOT use at the beginning of World War III. The American people need to be brought to a state of terror and desperation. Then they will be asked to surrender America into the New World Order. AFTER America has surrendered its Liberty and its U.S. Constitution to the New World Order, controlled by the Conspiracy, then the secret weapons will be brought out and used to fight the Russians and the Chinese. This is a guess. But it makes sense. And if true, this helps to explain the eagerness of the Conspiracy to start World War III. The open disarming of America is in part a deception.
In short, the speculative guess is that the New World Order has secret weapons with which it can fight the Russians and the Chinese, but which it will not use until Traditional America has surrendered itself to the New World Order, giving up Liberty and the U.S. Constitution in exchange for false promises of safety and security.
We need to keep constantly, clearly, and foremost in our minds, the hard fact that we will not be the winners in World War III unless we defeat not only the Russians and the Chinese, but also the Great Conspiracy of the Super Rich.
The real opposition is not America versus Russia and China. The real opposition is the Liberty of America and the World versus the Great Conspiracy of the Super Rich. The real opposition is Traditional America versus the New World Order. The plan of the enemy is that while Americans have all their attention on the Russians and the Chinese, Americans will be wrapped up in the chains of the New World Order. When the dust settles, all the Liberty Lovers will have been rounded up by the Thought Police and buried in the gulag of the Global Slave State.
That’s the real war. That’s the war we need to put our attention on. This includes all the wars of bullets and bombs. But it also includes the many legislative battles in which we lose our Constitutional Rights and in which the Police State is gradually constructed.
This is a war of public relations. It is a war of information and education. The entire world – including all of our supposed “enemies” – must be informed, taught, educated, and persuaded of the truth about what is really going on in the world.
It is not enough that you and I know. If only you and I know, then the world will continue on its merry way to Hell and slavery. And you and I, as if in a flood, will be swept helplessly along the road to general destruction and cultural oblivion. The world needs to know. If you now know and believe, then you now have a great burden of responsibility to tell the world. If you are not persuaded, then it would behoove you to study the subject more closely, because this is the truth, the cold, hard, brutal reality.
The real enemy – the Great Conspiracy – has constructed the tyrannical Police States of Russia and China to distract us from themselves. They have constructed so much terror and horror to rain down upon us, that we will gladly throw ourselves into the Global Slave State of the New World Order. They will promise us peace and safety and security in exchange for our Liberty and our U.S. Constitution. And we will be so tired and so afraid and so stupid that we will believe them.
That is their plan. We must defeat their plan. We must not fall for this trick. This trick is so monstrous and so evil, that the “Grand Deception”, which was the phony collapse of Communism, is just a cheap parlor trick in comparison.
We must not fight for the New World Order.
We must fight for Liberty.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
It is true that bullets and bombs have killed a great many people in the past. It is true that bullets and bombs will kill a great many people in the future.
But the bullets and the bombs are directed by ideas.
The soldiers who fire the bullets and drop the bombs are recruited by ideas. They are persuaded of the need to fire the bullets and drop the bombs by ideas. Very often these ideas are lies. Often the ideas on both sides of the battle are lies.
Long before the bullets are fired and the bombs are dropped, there is a very long period of indoctrination. People are taught lies. People are not taught what they need to know.
Our weapon is truth. Our bombs are the great principles of Liberty. Our bullets are the facts about what’s really going on. Our victory is when understanding dawns.
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