Muslims around the world rejoiced and celebrated when 9/11 happened. They are so easy to frame.
If Muslims say, “9/11 was an inside job. We didn’t do it.”, who is going to believe them? They have an immense record of violence and terrorism, not just against Israel, but around the world and for 1400 years of history.
There are two great reasons for 9/11:
#1. To justify American wars of aggression in the Middle East.
#2. To justify the destruction of Constitutional Rights in America.
9/11 has been enormously successful in accomplishing both of these purposes.
The main purpose of the wars of aggression in the Middle East is to generate hatred against America, in order to justify the attack by Russia and China on America starting World War III.
America also gets military bases in the Middle East and access to oil and minerals.
America is bombing and attacking nations in the most horrifying way. Do you think public opinion would allow this if these nations were Christian instead of Muslim? Not likely. Americans don’t like it as it is. But they would very probably be much more hostile if these attacks were against Christian nations. It just wouldn’t happen.
But against Muslim nations, the Conspiracy can get away with it. And thus Muslims generally are made to hate America with passion. And the rest of the world looks on with horror and disgust.
The alleged “need to fight terrorism” is the great justifier, the great excuse, for destroying Constitutional Rights and imposing the Police State on America.
There is abundant evidence which shows that many, probably most, so-called “acts of terrorism” done by Muslims in America were done with the aid and assistance of the FBI. Sometimes it seems that the FBI essentially did it, and just brought some basically innocent young Muslim along for the ride. If you hear Muslims saying “The FBI set him up!”, it’s probably true. This is hardly even controversial. Former New Jersey Superior Court Judge Andrew Napolitano talks about this for Fox News in a 5 minute video at:
The Conspiracy, the “Powers That Be”, want to impose the Police State on us. So they need to steadily chip away at Traditional American freedoms and Constitutional Rights. So they need to maintain the “terror” in “terrorism”. They need to maintain fear and hysteria. For this purpose they need to maintain a steady stream of so-called “Terrorist Events”.
Even if nobody believes that there is a significant terrorist threat, and even if nobody believes that Constitutional Rights should be eliminated, these so-called “Terrorist Events” still make valuable talking points for politicians, who may be being bribed or blackmailed or otherwise coerced into supporting the Police State. They can say, “Well, it is a very difficult judgment to balance the rights of the citizen and the need to fight terrorism. But in light of these recent terrorist attacks, [we hereby cancel the Bill of Rights].”.
The granddaddy of all setups framing Muslims is, of course, 9/11.
After World War II, and for many decades, there were many small wars around the world involving Communism. In 1989 we had the fall of Communism in Eastern Europe, followed by the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991. Communism is not supposed to be a threat anymore.
Now we have many small wars around the world involving Islam.
Like Communism, Islam is totalitarian. Like Communism, Islam is inherently, by its own teachings, at war with all non-Islamic nations.
Islam has replaced Communism as the common source of many small wars around the world.
This enables Communism to appear to have disappeared from the world scene. Communism is lying low.
The real threats on the world scene are still Russia and China. The Muslims have no real major military power.
Worldwide attention is being focused on Islam, because of:
#1. The worldwide presence of wars involving Muslims.
#2. The worldwide presence of Islamic terrorism, both real and fabricated.
#3. The demographic invasion of Europe and Britain by Muslims.
Worldwide attention is being diverted away from:
#1. Communist ideas using the label “Communism”, but not the ideas themselves.
#2. Russia and its military buildup, no longer using the label “Communism”.
#3. Communist China and its military buildup.
Muslims are being allowed to demographically invade Europe and Britain. They are doing this with the full intention of conquering Europe and Britain and destroying the existing civilization. This is proceeding rapidly.
In America, the same thing is happening. It is presently in its very early stages. But Muslims have suddenly become extremely visible on the American political and legal landscape, demanding special treatment to accommodate their “religious beliefs” in the name of “religious freedom”.
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