When large numbers of people move from one area to another, the culture of the new area can be changed, making it better or making it worse. This is demographic invasion.
This is being done in America and in Europe. America is being demographically invaded by Mexicans. Europe is being demographically invaded by Muslims. This is being done despite the strong opposition of the original residents.
Demographic invasion by Muslims is a great deal worse than demographic invasion by Mexicans. Mexicans, as well as Americans, have the cultural background of Christianity. This culture includes the Ten Commandments, including “Thou shalt not kill.” and “Thou shalt not steal.”. It includes the great example of Jesus Christ sacrificing himself for love. This cultural background is a very strong influence even on those who do not consider themselves Christians.
Muslims on the other hand have a cultural background of 1400 years of Islam. Muhammad started as a bandit and became a conqueror. His routine was bloody slaughter of his enemies. He taught hate, deception, and conquest, not love, honesty, and reconciliation.
The cultures of England, France, and Germany are right now being destroyed by the Muslim demographic invasion. This is very sad. It is a great tragedy. The Jews are being driven out of Europe. Even Hitler was not able to accomplish that.
When anyone objects to this destruction of the original and superior culture, then he is denounced with all manner of slander both by government officials and by the media.
When anyone speaks out and tells the truth about Islam, he is prosecuted for “hate crimes”.
Not the least threat is that those who speak out against Islam are threatened with murder by the Muslims themselves, and this threat is sometimes accomplished. For Muslims, murdering their critics is very routine and ordinary, and is plainly and bluntly commanded by their scriptures and their traditions.
This form of cultural suicide is by itself a very strong proof of the existence and power of the Great Conspiracy of the Super Rich.
Both the original residents and the newcomers should be taught:
#1. The value of Liberty.
#2. The process of destroying Liberty in which they are pawns.
It is difficult to teach a Muslim to value Liberty. Liberty is sharply in contradiction to the teachings of Islam. Nevertheless, this is what must be done.
It doesn’t matter what a man’s race is. What matters is his dedication to Liberty.
It’s not the race. It’s the culture.
The solution to cultural destruction is to put a new culture there dedicated to Liberty.
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