Around the world, there is a great force for evil – for insanity, deceit, destruction, war, conflict, and slavery.
If one were a Christian looking for evidence of Satanic power, this would serve very nicely.
America has been and continues to be the beacon of Liberty to the world. America is the great barrier to the Global Slave State. America is the great barrier to anyone who wants to conquer and enslave the world.
There are three great powers in the world, each of which is intent upon conquering and enslaving the world. They are:
#1. The Great Conspiracy of the Super Rich. The Anglo-American Conspiracy. Sometimes called “Globalists”. Or “the Globalist Conspiracy”. Or just “the Conspiracy”.
#2. Russia. Supposedly not Communist any more. But the same people are in charge.
#3. China. Communist.
The “Traditional America” which continues to be the barrier to enslaving the world does not have an organizational embodiment. But it continues to live in the hearts and minds of many Americans and of Liberty Lovers everywhere. Traditional America is the glorious heritage given to the world by the American Founding Fathers. It is rapidly being destroyed at this time.
All three of the great powers in the world are dedicated to the destruction of Traditional America.
The primary source of confusion is that the Great Conspiracy of the Super Rich is in total control of the American government.
But the Conspiracy is dedicated to the destruction of Traditional America.
So the American government is dedicated to the destruction of Traditional America.
So the American government does everything possible to weaken, damage, destroy, harm, wreck, and bring to nothing America as a nation, Americans as individuals, and all groups and organizations which work to preserve and strengthen Traditional America.
This is the explanation for so much which cannot be explained, for so much that makes no sense. It looks insane because it is insane. They are doing it on purpose. Universities, foundations, and great institutions in abundance are dedicated to perpetuating the lies and the false principles which bring destruction to common sense values and to simple ordinary virtues.
The greatest lie is that man is entirely material, that there is no soul, no spiritual essence which gives to life its value and meaning and beauty. This lie makes it OK to kill and to steal with reckless abandon.
Another great lie is Communism, which says, very briefly, that man can achieve happiness by killing his neighbors and by stealing their property.
A lesser but still important lie is Keynesian economics, which is entirely dedicated to glorifying debt, to encouraging and advocating, as solemnly as possible, debt, more debt, and endlessly greater debt. This violates the common sense values of working hard and saving and building up reserves.
Why are such lies promoted so heavily, so intensely, and so widely, around the world? Precisely because they are lies. Because they are destructive. Because they bring misery and war and slavery. Because they destroy freedom. Because they destroy Traditional America.
These great lies and many others are promoted for the purpose of degrading both individuals and nations.
The great lies are promoted to bring about the Global Slave State.
Both Communism and the Conspiracy want to enslave the world.
Both Communism and the Conspiracy want to destroy Traditional America.
Therefore they work in harmony and in alliance very easily.
When is someone working for a Communist government and when is he working for the Globalist Conspiracy? Sometimes it’s hard to tell.
One example of this is George Marshall. Shortly after World War II, working under President Truman, Marshall essentially gave China to the Communists. Robert Welch, the founder of the John Birch Society, believed, for this and for other reasons, that Marshall was working for the Communists. But it is virtually certain that Marshall was really a globalist working to establish Communism in China. This was long-term planning by the Conspiracy, looking forward to future wars with China. Robert Welch was not distinguishing sharply enough between the Globalist Conspiracy and the Communist movement which they created.
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