Since its founding in 1776, America has been a beacon of Liberty to the world. The U.S. Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution have been an inspiration to all those around the world who love Liberty. America is the great barrier to enslaving the world. The spirit of Liberty still lives in the hearts of many Americans. The Constitution still stands.
Russia and China intend to expand their power. Russia and China are both building up their military machines, as quietly as possible. Then, when all seems ready, they intend to go out and conquer. Russia and China will probably be allies, at least at the beginning of World War III. For both, America is the Great Enemy.
Anyone who wants to conquer the world has to take out America. This is true for Russia and China. It is also true for the Anglo-American Conspiracy, which controls the American government. One might say there is a fourth great power, even though it does not have an organizational embodiment. It might be called “Traditional America”.
The Conspiracy which controls the American government is dedicated to the destruction of Traditional America. That is why America actively seeks its own destruction.
What America is doing, under the control of the Conspiracy, is to build up Russia and China into great military powers, to weaken itself, and to reduce its own military power in every way possible. The purpose of this is to induce Russia and China to attack America, starting World War III. Then Americans, in a state of fear and desperation, will be willing to give up their independence and their Constitution in favor of some kind of global alliance to fight the Russians and the Chinese. Thus America will become part of the “New World Order” which is controlled by the Conspiracy. This is the intention of the Conspiracy.
The overall strategic purpose of the Great Conspiracy of the Super Rich at this time is to create World War III in order to destroy America as the great barrier to enslaving the world.
This single fact is the necessary key to understanding world affairs.
Many people, on the “Left”, commonly Democrats, believe that America is doing the normal expansionist action. They believe that the purpose of American military actions, notably in the Middle East, is to expand the American empire by force of arms. This purpose is covered up by false claims of defending Liberty and bringing Liberty to far away places. They believe that these American military actions are being done for the benefit of the oil companies and other giant corporations.
Many people, on the “Right”, commonly Republicans, believe that America is fighting to defend freedom in the world. When America goes to far away places, goes to war without bothering to declare war, and bombs people for highly questionable reasons, such people get into a state of unthinking enthusiasm for war. They want to “support our troops”, regardless of what atrocities those troops are guilty of. They equate “supporting our troops” with supporting any and all American military actions, no matter how stupid and evil. They also support the destruction of Constitutional Rights for the sake of “security”.
Both the Left and the Right are completely unconcerned about the military buildup in Russia and the military buildup in China.
Real Lovers of Liberty are horrified by America’s warmongering. They want the government to be a great deal smaller. They want to restore Constitutional Rights. They want a complete stop to all these undeclared wars.
The great Ron Paul is the foremost example of a real Liberty Lover. If the election process had been honest, he would be President now. This fact alone is dramatic proof that the love of Liberty is not dead in America. But Ron Paul’s campaign was cheated and blocked at every turn by the Republican Establishment.
The Conspiracy, the Establishment and their controlled media, call real Liberty Lovers “radical right-wing extremists”. They are called “extremists” in an effort to make them socially unacceptable. The Conspiracy wants to limit people to the standard, usual, and socially acceptable opinions of either the Left or the Right. Real love of Liberty, real love of the Constitution, real analysis of what is going on – such things are not to be tolerated. Such people are to be ridiculed, insulted, spoken of with contempt, and psychologically analyzed. When they are sufficiently demonized, they can be “detained”, either because they are “terrorists” or because they are “insane”.
Real Liberty Lovers call ordinary Republicans “RINOs” – Republicans In Name Only. RINOs say they support Liberty, and often they really believe it. But they support the destruction of Constitutional Rights. And they support numerous undeclared wars against small faraway nations.
The major purpose of all these undeclared wars against small countries is to generate hatred against America. America is not trying to be loved. America is trying to be hated. When the worldwide level of hatred reaches a sufficient level, then it will serve very well as a justification for the Russians and the Chinese to attack America. Generating hatred against America is a major part of the strategy for creating World War III.
American intentional self-destruction is the systematic effort of America to reduce its own power and to increase the power of its enemies. America has been doing this since World War I. The great climax of this effort will be World War III, the great attack against America.
The purpose of World War III is not to greatly expand American power. It is to greatly reduce American power and to subordinate America to the Global Slave State controlled by the Conspiracy.
This fact explains why for many decades America has given enormous support to Russia and to China. This support is not consistent with the Leftist theory that America is simply trying to conquer the world. It is not consistent with the theory on the Right that America is defending Liberty.
It explains why both the Left and the Right are oblivious to the military buildup happening now in both Russia and China.
It explains why America is out warmongering, generating worldwide hatred against itself.
It explains why America has been energetically destroying its own tradition of Liberty and Constitutional Rights.
It explains the catastrophic destruction of American education.
It explains numerous things which seem designed to poison and to degrade Americans.
Is there some other explanation, theory, or hypothesis which explains the facts?
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Testing One Two Three. Tuesday 1Jul14.
Posted by: Dale | 07/01/2014 at 02:35 PM